Naturopath, Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher.
I help Women over 40 Stop Uncontrollable Weight Gain and feel more confident in their bodies once again.
When I began my deep dive into Thyroid health after my diagnosis, I quickly found out about the dangers of fluoride. I was pretty shocked at how damaging it can be and just have much we are exposed to this harmful toxin daily. Our children, our animals… we are all impacted and if I ask people if they know how toxic this chemical is, nearly everyone says they had no idea.
Fluoride is contained in Toothpastes, Tooth products and our Tap Water supposedly for our health. Yet, despite its reputation for being important for our health, it’s not involved in any body processes. By this I mean unlike calcium, zinc, magnesium etc. fluoride isn’t a natural mineral that our body cells require to function. So if it’s not involved in bodily daily processes, then why is it added to toothpastes and our water??
When we drink fluoride in water, we have no ability to regulate the amount of fluoride we receive. So children and adults get the same amount….200 times more than breast milk! So there’s no dosage per weight and no regulating how much our children receive!
What is more natural? Water not added to or water with fluoride? If we’re so intent on getting
our lifestyles back to as natural as possible then water from a tap is a quick low hanging item
you can change immediately.
Why is fluoride added? Back in the 40s, studies showed a reduction in tooth decay when fluoride was added. But if you look closely at the data, other non fluoridated water countries tooth health also reduced at the same time. So why were these results not questioned?
Tooth decay actually occurs from poor food choices, as studied by Weston A Price many years ago. His findings across many cultures, discovered that decay was from nutritional deficiencies like fat soluble vitamins: ADEK, sugar and refined carbohydrates are the main villains.
An Industrial waste product, fluoride is just like seed oils (rapeseed and cotton seed which fries are cooked in) – are really only a good way to get rid of waste by feeding it to humans.
Fluoride (as well as Chlorine and Bromide) are part of a group called Halides and are known endocrine disruptors.
It blocks our receptor sites normally saved for Iodine to manufacture your Thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency is one of the most common minerals that impact our health today. We have estimated up to 80% of people in Australia have thyroid dysfunction based on Iodine deficiency. So with repeated exposure to fluoride you’re exacerbating your Iodine deficiency and can lead to significant impacts on your Thyroid….for example weight gain?
Another reason why my daughter only drinks fluoride free water and uses fluoride free toothpaste is because fluoride is also a known neurotoxin. This means it’s been shown, in a Chinese study, to impact IQ levels in children. I think it’s better to be safe than not.
If you’re still unconvinced about your teeth health by removal of fluoride, check out Dr Ron Ehrlich who is one of Australia’s leading holistic dentists.
Recently, Mike Adams (Health Ranger) gave a brilliant podcast about Fluoride, Mercury and other heavy metals. You can listen to it here, or download the transcript.
Oral health is obtained through a healthy diet, brushing twice a day, flossing daily and optimising your gut bacteria through pre and probiotics. You also need to visit your dentist yearly, just like servicing a car.
Help your thyroid by removing this toxic burden and your body will be thankful for it. I promise.
So how do I find good water and toothpaste without Fluoride?? This is what my family use.
Carly Gallagher
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