paka_t is packed full of bitter-tonics, nervine, adaptogenic, chologogue, anti-spasmodic, carminative, anti-microbial, nutritive + blood sugar regulating herbs to assist supporting Digestion, Liver Function and Stress within the body. Relief of gas, bloating, cramps, wind. This Solar Plexis Chakra blend will bring Self control, laughter + will power.
Steep 1 teaspoon in 350mls boiling water for 15mins before drinking.
1-3 x daily with your meals or before.
100% Certified Organic : Peppermint, Licorice, Fennel, Mugwort, Dandelion Root
Avoid if known allergy, pregnant, breastfeeding, blood pressure medication, heart medication, liver/kidney diseases. Take care with reflux, rosacea
Please note: All prices are inclusive of GST.
30 serves
60 serves
(digestion, will power)