Naturopath, Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher.
I help Women over 40 Stop Uncontrollable Weight Gain and feel more confident in their bodies once again.
Soy has been touted as a healthy food group for as long as I’ve been around.
Phytoestrogens are plant derived compound found in a wide variety of foods, most notably soy. They’re naturally present in many other foods including lentils, oats, peanuts, cashews, garlic, cabbage, fennel, apples, coffee, beer, dairy, and meat. Phytoestrogens have long been part of our traditional diet, so we’re adapted to them. They help to regulate and metabolise estradiol (our strongest estrogen). For example, phytoestrogens protect and buffer estrogen receptors and they promote the healthy detoxification of estrogen.
Soy, in the presence of high estrogen, can have an anti-estrogen effect. Thus make periods lighter and improve estrogen-excess such as PMS, Endometriosis, PCOS and heavy periods. They also have been shown to protect against breast cancer (even though breast cancer is an estrogen related cancer). Soy is so strong that too much soy can stop periods and impair fertility.
Conversely, in the presence of low estrogen, soy has a pro-estrogen effect, which I probably harmless at low dose, but men and children should avoid too much soy. Soy’s pro-estrogen effect can be beneficial in post-menopausal women or those with low estrogens leading into peri-menopause.
Soy is commonly hidden in our foods and are listed as these ingredients: Soy lecithin, soy protein concentrate, soy protein isolate, texturized vegetable protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein or any other phrase containing the word “soy.”
It’s cheap and it’s a common filler in packaged foods. It’s in everything from chewing gum, chocolate and bread to microwave meals, frozen pizzas and processed meat.
If you’re preparing this correctly, buying only an organic non GMO soy bean source… then I can’t see a problem if you’re a women with diagnosed low estrogen or high estrogen.
If you’re pregnant, have thyroid issues, are an infant or child or a male, I would avoid this food group due to its impact on hormones and fertility.